The Right to Live : (Registro nro. 4074)

000 -Cabecera (24)
Campo de control interno 01358naa a2200193 a 4500
003 - Identificador de control
Campo control BOLpCIP
005 - Fecha y hora de la catalogacion
Campo de control 20190911144908.0
008 - Códigos de longitud fija (40p)
Campo de control de longitud fija 190714b ||||| |||| 00| u spa u
040 ## - Origen de la Catalogacion
Origen de la Catalogacion BOLpCIP
Lenguaje de catalogación spa
100 ## - Autor Personal
Autor Personal Cançado Trindade, Antônio Augusto
245 ## - Titulo
Titulo The Right to Live :
Subtitulo the Illegality under Contemporany International Law of all Wapons of Mass Destruction
300 ## - Descripcion
Extension 35-69 p.
520 ## - Resumen
Resumen It was here, in Hiroshima, that the limitless insanity of man heralded the arrival of a new era, the nuclear one (with the detonation of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 and in Nagasaki on 9 August 1945), which, after six decades -having permeated the whole cold war periodremains a stalemate which continues to threat the future of humankind. It was from here, from Hiroshima, that the outcry of humankind began to echo around the world as to the pressing need of international law to outlaw all weapons of mass destruction, starting with nuclear weapons. This is the task which remains before us today. This is the topic which I purport to address at this academic event in Hiroshima today.
650 ## - Temas - Descriptores
Temas - Descriptores Right to Live
650 ## - Temas - Descriptores
Temas - Descriptores Illegality
650 ## - Temas - Descriptores
Temas - Descriptores Human rights
773 0# - Enlace al documento fuente
Host Biblionumber 1512
Otro identificador de ítem 2019-1204
ISSN 1015-5074
Host Itemnumber 1211
Punto de acceso principal Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
Lugar, editor y fecha de publicación San José: IIDH, 1988.
Título Revista IIDH:
942 ## - Elementos de Koha
Sistema de Clasificación
Tipo de Documento Analíticas
Catalogador NM

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