The inter-american human rights system put to the test : (Registro nro. 3013)

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Campo control BOLpCIP
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040 ## - Origen de la Catalogacion
Origen de la Catalogacion BOLpCIP
Lenguaje de catalogación spa
245 ## - Titulo
Titulo The inter-american human rights system put to the test :
Subtitulo the interpretation judgments in the Honduran Disappearance Cases
300 ## - Descripcion
Extension 315-338 p.
520 ## - Resumen
Resumen In the first contested cases decided by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Court awarded damages to the families of two victims of involuntary disappearances. The Government of Honduras has complied With part but not all of the Court’s judgments. Pursuant to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Court has reported the noncompliance to the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, which has relevant responsibilities under both the Convention and the OAS Charter.
650 ## - Temas - Descriptores
Temas - Descriptores Human Rights
651 ## - Punto de acceso adicional de materia - Nombre geográfico (R)
Nombre geográfico (NR) Hondura
773 0# - Enlace al documento fuente
Host Itemnumber 1205
Punto de acceso principal Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
Lugar, editor y fecha de publicación San José: IIDH, 1988.
Título Revista IIDH:
942 ## - Elementos de Koha
Sistema de Clasificación
Tipo de Documento Analíticas
Catalogador NM
773 0# - Enlace al documento fuente
Host Biblionumber 1512
Otro identificador de ítem 2019-1198
ISSN 1015-5074

No hay ítems disponibles.


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