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Democracy and gender Equality : the role of the UN

Por: Tommasoli, Massimo (ed.).
Tipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: New York : IDEA Internacional, 2013Descripción: 54 p.ISBN: 9789186565909.Tema(s): Democracia | Equidad | GeneroResumen: Experience has taught us that democratic ideals of inclusiveness, accountability, and transparency cannot be achieved without laws, policies, measures, and practices that address inequalities. Moreover, we must go beyond thizing about these issues mostly at the time of elections. Rather we must weave these ideals into the social, political, and economic fabric of a society, so that girls and women can reach their potential on an equal basis with men, whatever they choose to do.
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Colección bibliográfica 324.63 T655d Disponible 2019-0545

Experience has taught us that democratic ideals of inclusiveness, accountability, and transparency cannot be achieved without laws, policies, measures, and practices that address inequalities. Moreover, we must go beyond thizing about these issues mostly at the time of elections. Rather we must weave these ideals into the social, political, and economic fabric of a society, so that girls and women can reach their potential on an equal basis with men, whatever they choose to do.

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